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Product Demos: Survey

We need your feedback to understand which type of demo is most helpful to you when you are looking to find product demo information when searching for software to purchase. 

Context: Put yourself in the shoes of a person who is seeking a solution in the form of a software product to solve a problem you are facing at their company. In order to understand which solution is a best fit for your needs, you are seeking product demo information about the products on your short list of possible solutions. All of these demos would be ungated so you would not have to speak to the vendor before viewing the demo of their product.

For this experiment, we do not need you to watch every single video from start to finish but we do urge you to watch enough of the video to get an understanding of what the flow and content is like.

After you’ve watched the videos, please fill out the survey below. The survey should take about 3 – 5 minutes to complete. Thank you!

Video 1: Software Unboxing

This type of video shows a user who has never used a software a product “unboxing” of that product and grading it on a scale that includes pricing, installation, and usability.

Video 2: Self-Guided Tutorial

This is a interactive demo that acts more like a self-guided tour of a product if you were opening it for the first time. Start the self-guided tutorial by clicking “Start Tour” below. From there you’ll be able to walk through the platform with guided steps.

Video 3: Demo Provided by Vendor

This video is a recorded demo of a vendor walking through their product with a prospect during a standard demo call.

Video 4: Demo Provided by End User

This video is a recoded demo of a power user of a software product giving an overview of all of the features of the product. The video does have chapters, which you can see by hovering over the video timeline bar, to jump around to specific features you might want to learn more about.

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